Thursday, March 13, 2008

Palm/Passion Sunday and Eliot Spitzer

This week's Pericope study focused on the Palm Sunday-Passion dichotomy - and the usual comments on the fickleness of the "crowd". On Sunday they welcomed Jesus and wanted healing & life - and, by Friday they wanted his life.
On my way home, listening to NPR, the discussions were on the radical "fall from grace" of Eliot Spitzer. Hailed as the "Sheriff of Wall Street" and now vilified as a "john" - a user of high priced prostitutes.
One of the NPR discussants talked about the trouble humans have with heroes who are not perfect. As soon as any crack in the persona is identified the crowd shouts "crucify him".
This is not to suggest that Jesus fell from grace because he used a Call Girl business! But, the crowd turned on him because he failed to fulfill "their" agenda.
As Lutheran Christians we affirm that, by nature, we are sinful; we agree with Paul when he claims that he too often does the bad he wants to avoid.
An affirmation and an agreement easily forgotten when judging others.
Perhaps some reference to the Spitzer saga will aid some folks in attendance this Sunday see that our observance is not just a "nice" trip down memory lane!
We're really not any different than the crowds in Jerusalem during that fateful Passover.